Monday, February 2, 2009

96 civilians flee from LTTE: seek protection with security forces

Despite LTTE binding hold on the thousands of civilians entrapped in the outer edge of Mullaittivu, many have made their way towards the liberated regions under security forces seeking safety during the past few days. The latest reported was when 96 civilians from the non-liberated areas total their way in two groups towards the Omanthai Entry/Exit tip on Sunday (Feb 1).
19 Tamil civilians including 9 men and 10 women required protection fleeing from LTTE, what they described as 'freedom at last'. These civilians have undergone many hardships and many were pain from thirst following the long trip from the non-liberated area, security sources said.
77 more civilians including 45 males and 32 females had also at home at the Omanthai Entry/Exit point, looking for protection from LTTE terrorists. The civilians were later heading for to the civilian welfare center at Vavuniya, security sources said.

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